Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Can World's Strongest Dad
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Halloween in the White House
can be seen here
Exactly Who Are We Fighting In Iraq?
New Ad: Card Game
Joe Lieberman and
Corker ain't miscegenated
Friday, October 27, 2006
Video the Vote 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Matthews: Republicans are RACIST
Profiles in Congressional Courage: Duke Cunningham
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Response Ad to Michael J. Fox
Who Killed the Electric Car trailer
Missourians Against Human Cloning
Stay the Course?
The Secret Government
It aired on PBS in 1987 and is as good as anything on the tape (must see). Moyers is a very respected TV journalist who also worked for Lyndon B. Johnson and has a very professional approach. He interviews many different people involved with the CIA and other government agencies. His documentary gives quite an overview of what has actually happened in the last 50 years regarding the CIA and the cold war (including Iran, Guatamala, Cuba, Viet Nam and Chile). He features such people as Ralph McGeehee and Phil Retinger (both former CIA agents), Rear Admiral Gene La Rocque (Ret. U.S.N.), Theodore Bissell (active in the CIA at the time), Sen. Frank Church and many others. Moyers is so very credible. The full video "The Secret Government" is 90 minutes - this segment is edited by Frank Dorrel to 20 minutes. |
CNN TheSituationRoom - Michael Ware on Iraq
President Bush on Iraq: It's Never Been
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Olbermann's Special Comment on GOP Fearmongering
Moby featuring Debbie Harry - New York New York
Harold Ford crashes Corker press conference
Friday, October 20, 2006
Countdown: Day Habeas Corpus Died
Olbermann's Comment on Habeas Corpus Loss
Saturday, October 14, 2006
A REAL Christian Reacts To Bush's Swindling of Evangelicals
Countdown : Keith Olbermann Tempting faith
Countdown : Keith Olbermann Tempting faith 2
MSNBC Countdown :
David Ray Griffin - Testimony at the Congressional Black Caucus
David Ray Griffin's testimony at the Congressional Black Caucus, Annual Legislative Conference 2005 (September 21-24, Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC). Session, 'The 9/11 Omission: What the Commission Got Wrong' (September 23, 2005) sponsored by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. This is taken from the “Behind Every Terrorist There is a Bush” DVD, which can be purchased here; http://www.peaceproject.com/books/dvd60.htm http://www.communitycurrency.org/9-11oakland.html#BET |
Monday, October 09, 2006
Mark Foley Sex Scandal, Rahm Emanuel on ABC's
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Racist Michelle Malkin gets the boot from YouTube

Michelle Malkin's been banned from YouTube.com and to that we say: WHAT TOOK THEM SO LONG? Racists such as Malkin should always get the same treatment we'd give to the Nazis and/ or Fascists, for that's what they deserve.
From the Satirical Political Report's Don Davis
10. If your own son was drafted to serve in Iraq, would you favor “cut and run,” or “sprint like Willie Horton being chased by the Klan?”
9. If Bush required you to pay more taxes to finance the Iraqi war, which timetable for withdrawal would you support: 3 to 5 years, or the 6:44 out of Fallujah?
8. Would you back Bush’s warrantless spying on international communications, if he was monitoring your phone-sex calls to Hot Nymphs in the Netherlands?
7. How would you feel about prayer in the schools — if Muslims just obtained a majority on your local school board?
6. Should the schools also teach the theory of Intelligent Design, even though it’s likely that, as with most designers, this one was also gay?
5. Would you vote to ban abortion, if you just found out your teenage daughter got knocked up by the Mexican gardener?
4. Would you still favor public posting of The Ten Commandments, even if it’s interpreted to ban the worship of American Idol?
3. If your job and benefits get outsourced to Bangalore, would you still consider national health insurance a communist plot?
2. Would you still be anti-union, after your supervisor at Wal-Mart limits you to one bathroom trip per day, and you have to pay for your own toilet paper?
1. Would habeas corpus seem a bit more important to you after you fall asleep in the tanning bed, and get mistaken for one of Osama’s five dozen “No. 2’s.”
10. If your own son was drafted to serve in Iraq, would you favor “cut and run,” or “sprint like Willie Horton being chased by the Klan?”
9. If Bush required you to pay more taxes to finance the Iraqi war, which timetable for withdrawal would you support: 3 to 5 years, or the 6:44 out of Fallujah?
8. Would you back Bush’s warrantless spying on international communications, if he was monitoring your phone-sex calls to Hot Nymphs in the Netherlands?
7. How would you feel about prayer in the schools — if Muslims just obtained a majority on your local school board?
6. Should the schools also teach the theory of Intelligent Design, even though it’s likely that, as with most designers, this one was also gay?
5. Would you vote to ban abortion, if you just found out your teenage daughter got knocked up by the Mexican gardener?
4. Would you still favor public posting of The Ten Commandments, even if it’s interpreted to ban the worship of American Idol?
3. If your job and benefits get outsourced to Bangalore, would you still consider national health insurance a communist plot?
2. Would you still be anti-union, after your supervisor at Wal-Mart limits you to one bathroom trip per day, and you have to pay for your own toilet paper?
1. Would habeas corpus seem a bit more important to you after you fall asleep in the tanning bed, and get mistaken for one of Osama’s five dozen “No. 2’s.”
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Video from war-criminals in the American military
These is a video from the Baby killers...ugh ugh american soldiers
These is a video from the Baby killers...ugh ugh american soldiers
Why we fight excerpt
Friday, October 06, 2006
Olbermann demands an end to Bush's lies...
Good luck, Keith. |
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Minutemen Protest
PNAC ring leader William Kristol confronted on 9/11
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Innocent Tortured Detainee Speaks of Bush's
Jesse Ventura questions 9/11 w/ Alex Jones 9/25/6 Pt.2
Jesse Ventura questions 9/11 Alex Jones interview 9/25/6 Pt.
John Boehner Still Believes Saddam Was Tied To 9/11 And Had
Olbermann's Latest Special Comment Targets Bush:
Keith Olbermann: Are yours the actions of a true American?
The Tale of Prince - A War Profiteer