Thursday, September 21, 2006

Danny Schechter:

Think of it this way. You are a former cold warrior who spent your youth studying every aspect of the old Soviet Union. Even though you hated their policies publicly, you began privately, first grudgingly and then, with time, enthusiastically, admire the way they operated.
They were so organized and adept at imposing their agenda with top-down control. They were, in words used at the time, "masters of deception" and pursued secretive strategies of infiltrating ideologues and mole-like operatives -- known as apparatchiks -- into government agencies and military organs.

Their KGB danced circles around our CIA and when their often-innocent "suspects" were interrogated, they were tortured with no restraints. The KGB made sure of that.

Now the CIA does our dirty work and the President is crusading to lift any and all restraints from their extreme electrode units. They killed their anti-communist "enemies" outright after convicting them in kangaroo courts. We just detain ours indefinitely while demonizing them as terrorists beyond the protection of the law.

Their Party imposed "message control" and ran media with carrots and sticks. Our Republican Guard uses perception management techniques to achieve the same results.

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