Monday, August 21, 2006


Two early posts

1st-Go and read Jeffrey Chester's Congress Poised to Unravel the Internet, so that you can be informed about this republican-led congress is poised to allow a few big cable companies to monopolize the internet.

Here's an excerpt:

The telecommunications reform bill now moving through Congress threatens to be a major setback for those who hope that digital media can foster a more democratic society. The bill not only precludes net neutrality safeguards but also eliminates local community oversight of digital communications provided by cable and phone giants. It sets the stage for the privatized, consolidated and unregulated communications system that is at the core of the phone and cable lobbies' political agenda.

2nd-Tony Blair is said be feeling betrayed by Bush over the Israeli massacre of Lebanon. I dont believe this one bit. After almost six years of backing some of the worsts and most harmful policies that can be found in the devil's playbook, Tony Blair is finally realizing what the rest of the world has known for years. Mr. Blair, is too late. You have allowed a bunch of political thugs drag you in the mud and there's no way you can clean the stench (or the smell) off. If Tony Blair really wants to save his legacy, he should withdraw every british troop from Iraq, resign his posts and allow himself to be put in jail. That's what a true man of honor would do.

I know, I know....a brother can dream, you know.

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