Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Read this disgrateful story about

a controversial stem- cell therapy where umbilical cord tissue from new-born babies is injected into the body to make women (people in general look pretty).

Look into the evil mindset of this people:

"She doesn't care if the treatment is expensive, involves babies and is so controversial that it is not allowed to be performed in this country - among her well-heeled friends, this is the ultimate new elixir of youth. "

That's the western world for you. Where women dont care that life is being destroyed so long as they get their beauty fix.

Another reason why I'm against stem cell research:

"Stem-cell therapy has been big business for beauty doctors since medics discovered the strong healing and rejuvenating potential of stem cells for medical conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. But there has also been a furious ethical debate."

Go read the whole thing.....and remember, before going to vote for a politician, it'd be helpful to find out where she/he stands on this crucial issue of stem-cell research.

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