Sunday, July 02, 2006


So Bin Laden wants for Sunnis

To Kill Shiites. I wonder what on earth he's been smoking in those caves he's at? On a more serious note though: I think that telling muslims to kill muslims is just plain wrong. And not only that, it shows bin ladens as an egotistical maniac who doesnt care about muslims at all, so long as they do as he (OBL) pleases. I'm starting to have a gut feeling that Bin Laden is some sort of a puppet for the powers that be. I mean, everytime Bush and company are trying to scare the American people, a tape or video from OBL shows up to "remind" the American people of the "dangers" that "islamofascists" trying to blow up Springfield, MO represent.

Update: I just stumbled upon this Kevin Drum's WashingtonMonthly blog post, in which he quotes from Ron Suskind's book: The One Percent Doctrine, as some CIA analysts discussed OBL's tape that came out before the 04 election; Their conclusion? Bin Laden wanted Bush to win! Go figure.

Here's the excerpt quoted from the book quoted in the post.

What they'd learned over nearly a decade is that bin Laden speaks only for strategic reasons — and those reasons are debated with often startling depth inside the organization's leadership. Their assessments, at day's end, are a distillate of the kind of secret, internal conversations that the American public, and by association the wider world community, were not sanctioned to hear: strategic analysis. Today's conclusion: bin Laden's message was clearly designed to assist the President's reelection.

At the five o'clock meeting, once various reports on latest threats were delivered, John McLaughlin opened the issue with the consensus view: "Bin Laden certainly did a nice favor today for the President."

Around the table, there were nods....Jami Miscik talked about how bin Laden — being challenged by Zarqawi's rise — clearly understood how his primacy as al Qaeda's leader was supported by the continuation of his eye-to-eye struggle with Bush. "Certainly," she offered, "he would want Bush to keep doing what he's doing for a few more years."
But an ocean of hard truths before them — such as what did it say about U.S. policies that bin Laden would want Bush reelected — remained untouched....On that score, any number of NSC principals could tell you something so dizzying that not even they will touch it: that Bush's ratings [in the U.S.] track with bin Laden's rating in the Arab world.

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