Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Why Prometheus? and why the Rage?
Why Prometheus and why the Rage? Ever since college I've been fascinated by this mythological character they called Prometheus. Think about it: Dude stole fire from the gods and handed it to mortals (who were his creation). He could've done anything he wanted with it, like selling it to make some profit (you know put his kids through college), or go on a nice vacation but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, he gave the fire to the mortals endangering the comfort of his "godhood." He put the good others over his own reassurance, something that especially today we seldom witness. Why the rage? If you keep reading from that Wilkipedia link I posted up there you'll see that Prometheus had a contempt --to the point of derision-- for the gods. He just wasn't into them! He mocked Zeus, the big shot; the god no one dared to mess with and that's the same attitude that I'm coming into this blog with. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy? because there is so much stuff going on in the world that we should be outrage about. Take for instance this Washington Times story about more than 200 Sudanese refugees being held in Israeli prisons because they entered the promised land illegally. Helloooooooooo, these people are fleeing for their lives, running away from perhaps the worst human rights conditions in the last ten or fifteen years, yet you're throwing them jail. What crime did they commit? Isn't surving genocide enough to have compassion for a group of people? I guess not.
Another story that should make you mad is this Der Spiegel story about the rampant homophobia that's plaguing Eastern Europe. This caught my attention: "Last July, hundreds of police officers had to protect a few dozen gay rights demonstrators from an angry mob in the Latvian capital, Riga." Why cant these people go out in the streets and demostrate freely? Regardless of how you feel about gays , they, like everybody else, have a right to express themselves. We may not agree with their lifestyles, but that should never be reason to lynch them! Jesus said to love others the same way we love ourselves, loving gays (not bashing or lynching them) is a good way to start. Bitchnews.com is blogging this story, and so are the people at usmediaweb.