Monday, June 19, 2006


Petter Brown thinks Hillary

should take on the "anti-war" crowd.

"Taking on the anti-war left within her own party to show her independence would be taking a page from her husband's 1992 playbook. Bill Clinton made a point of criticizing Jesse Jackson, the onetime presidential candidate and then the de facto leader of black America, as a signal to middle-class whites that he was a "different" Democrat."

Me: Why play politics with the war? More than 40K Iraqis are dead; Close to $300 Billions and counting have been spent; 2,503 U.S soldiers are dead; and the critically wounded surpass the 15K. Again: Why play politics with this [illegal] war? After all, all the war logia given by the Bush-Cheney-Rummy and Rice Axis of Evil have proven to be false. Why play politics with the war? Now, would it wrong for Hillary to say that she made a mistake when she voted for the [illegal] invasion of Iraq? Would it be unpatroitic? Admitting a mistake is not a sign of weakness, being stuck on stupid is.

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