Sunday, June 18, 2006


Meet David Parker from Lexington, Mass

If you have school-age children in the public schools of America, you should really get to know him.

David Parker, the antihomosexual parent, admitted to The Boston Globe last week that the story was false -- his son was beaten over a lunchroom seating dispute, not because of Parker's activism.

Furthermore, the school district didn't ignore the incident -- it promptly punished the bully and considered the matter settled because it was a minor schoolyard fight and because Parker never filed any objections to the school's handling of the incident.

It's sad, I think, that Parker allowed the false (and absurd) story about a mob of pro-homosexual first-grader bullies to spread for a month before he finally agreed with the school district's investigation results.

I find it puzzling that so many people believed the story, and that no one checked the school district's records of the incident, which have been freely available online.
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