Friday, June 23, 2006


Is hatred of your kind

a psychological disease? Then, how do you explain Tometts such as Lashawn Barber? It seems that every time this woman writes her C- columns or posts on her blog, she usually spits ferocious venon towards Black people. I can understand wanting to be in the good side of the masters, but attacking her own isn't the way to do it.

David, commenting on Lashawn at grupo-utopia writes:

"I wonder if someone like LaShawn Barber can take off her conservative hat for a moment, and put on her "woman" hat, and maybe even her "woman of color," hat."

Aziamdammit! compares reading lashawn's revulsion with attending a Klan's rally; after all, it was lashawn who, advocated and advanced the notion of killing those who were looting in New Orleans."

Wulfgar thinks that lashawn has "identity issues"

Dellgines has some interesting (and eeries) things to say about lashawn.


It has come to my attention that lashawn is a born-again christian, such as am I. Such revelation makes me question just what exactly does it mean to follow Christ? In an old post lashawn talks about eliminating people as if they were mosquitos! What kind of christianity is that? Whatever happened to loving even our enemies as Jesus Himself calls for?

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